The CHESS GM PROJECT, which was inaugurated on 14-06-10, in Bangalore, has been moving ahead with great enthusiasm since then, with scores of chess players & chess lovers getting involved in the project!
This is the project which is going to change the chess-scene completely, in the near future, with a very large number of Chess GMs emanating from India & conquering the International Chess Scenario!
The CHESS GM PROJECT is supposed to have achieved its full purpose within a very short time span of 24 months or 2 years. It is planned in such a way that those people who participate & go along the CHESS GM PROJECT are going to have a sea change in their thinking style & standard of living, as well! "The Man Who Thinks Lives!” is the basic thing about all the human existences; hence, thinking analytically becomes all the more important for the real existence!
No other game other than CHESS nurtures Analytical, Logical, Responsible & Quality thinking as its prime objective! World organisations such has W.H.O have recommended CHESS as something which has to be taught to the children in order to build & develop an ever growing army of quality human beings who think! Ofcourse, it is no small matter that such organisations recommend CHESS for children!
It is wonderful to know that CHESS teaches its students a million quality things including perfect calculation, planning, logical reasoning, responsible thinking & by the way responsible living! A human life - including that of any growing person - will not become wholesome without having the above said qualities in one's life; hence CHESS becomes integral to anything human! And, life without CHESS becomes something less worth living!
And, it is also interesting to know that this great game originated in India (BHARATH!) thousands of years ago! We should not forget to remember that the oldest of the civilisations grew here in India (BHARATH!), almost 7000 years ago. The same nation which gave MATHEMATICS, ASTRONOMY & YOGA to the world has given this great game too to the world to develop the human kind! And, to crown it all, the reigning world champion of CHESS too is an Indian (BHARATIYA!) named Viswanathan Anand, who has been keeping the world title under his belt for the last 3 years continuously; and he is the only World CHESS Champion who has won the World CHESS Crown in 3 different formats of World Championship, i.e. Tournament, Knock-out & Match!
It is the time for India (BHARATH!) to emerge big time on the world stage.......! Hence, it has become ominous that such a great thing as CHESS GM PROJECT happens in India (BHARATH!) & leads the nation & world to THE ULTIMATE PLATFORM OF HUMAN EXISTANCE! Great Days Ahead........!!!
http://viewcrackers.blogspot.com/2010/11/chess-gm-project.html BY CLICKING ON THE LINK YOU WOULD BE ABLE TO READ THE SAME ARTICLE POSTED ON MY FIRST BLOG (http://www.blogger.com/profile/16366946214981045103)!
http://www.orkut.co.in/Main#Community?cmm=108138250 IS A COMMUNITY IN ‘ORKUT’ FOR “CHESS GM PROJECT”!
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